We are moving into a new cultural paradigm. We are waking up to the truth that we have always been enough, despite our expected mis-steps and limitations as human beings. We are now leaning towards a new understanding that we are all equals here, on equal standing, and with equal value, no matter how we are showing up in the world, in all of our messiness, and all of our beauty. This means we are no longer chasing our enough-ness through the old value-based lens of acquisition, status, wealth or material things. We are instead allowing the truth of where we are at, in any given moment, to lead us to the next best self-healing steps at hand, even if that means hugging ourselves in as we reach for our 6th chocolate bar or take another swig of Gin. This 'staying with ourselves, no matter what' practice ushers us gradually towards becoming all of who we are meant to become in this lifetime: from the humble and often deeply painful beginnings of unlearning all that we are not, to the soothing healing waters of becoming all that we are called to be. This is a shift from culturally-determined prescriptions of what is of value (and therefore what is not), to intuitive instruction from an internal code and compass embedded within you, that resonates as your personal truth at the deepest core of your being. Intrinsic esteem is perhaps an abstract idea that cannot be fully grasped until experientially felt in your body. The way that we initially help activate this natural self-worth and connection, comes from practices that treat us as such. Much like forgiveness or the experience of unconditional love, experiencing your intrinsic esteem is a 'beyond the mind' process and visits us initially like a butterfly lightly landing on your shoulder until it becomes more and more of an everyday 'felt sense' experience. The ongoing actions and practice of showing up for yourself, with an attitude of 'all of me gets to be here' is required to firstly SEE our wounded ego strategies and patterns so we can then tweak these patterns towards new ways of operating in the world that are in alignment with our truest expression. At this point of human history we are in an internal revolution of sorts, breaking the intergenerational survival patterns of our ancestors from the inside out. As we break away from the old paradigms of being separate from each other in a hierarchical structure of 'perceived' winners and losers, our pervasive denial and minimisation strategies to keep the greater collective happy and maintain the status quo, shame-based perfectionism and its whipping stick mentality, and the valuing of science and logic over body-based intuitive and faith based-guidance, embracing our intrinsic self-worth is but one part of this enormous reshuffling that is occurring at present in Western culture. And it is a part we all get to play in this counter-cultural revolution, whether we are aware of it or not. It is our journey towards wholeness as individuals, as societies, and the greater global collective as a whole. In summary, our intrinsic self worth cannot be quantifiable or achievable by scientific, logical, step by step measures. In other words, we cannot mentalise or positively think ourselves into intrinsic self-worth. This is instead a 'beyond the mind' healing process that happens on its own terms, in its own time. Our sole job is to activate the optimal conditions for the beginnings of this beautiful 'felt sense' experience to grace our human body, like a divine visitation of sorts. With increasing awareness, through our multiple senses and the intuitive/divine guidance they provide us, we learn to listen to, and sense and feel into this gradual healing and rewiring of intergenerational patterns through our own psyches. We are in the throes of a revolution of sorts, but one that is internal and individual, that spreads its light to those around us, like a restorative contagion, as we heal as a humanity towards wholeness. Starting from our own personal and individual healing, this naturally spreads to a greater societal healing, and that, my Darlings, is the game right there. If you are doing this invisible, yet critical, work, I see you, I hear you, I feel you, I love you, I honour you and I thank you :) If you resonate with this blog, I hope the material I offer in both my FB page, website and YouTube channel helps enlighten, give meaning, and provide encouragement on what may feel like the tolling aspects of your highly attuned, multi-sensory, empathic system. Your need and search for truth, and to do the right thing, no matter the circumstances, may not necessarily be welcomed, nor understood by your surrounding culture or tribe/s, but by creating a supportive, respectful, inter-faith based community who are on a similar journey, I hope we are all encouraged to keep moving towards an integrity-based and love-led united human collective and global community.
AuthorKira Follas is a qualified counsellor and works as Wellness Practitioner and Group Facilitator in New Zealand. She is also a survivor and thriver of multiple physical and mental-emotional adversities and is a Mum to two awesome teenage lads :) Archives
September 2024
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